I’ve known Brother AJ for many years now. And I’ve probably known he’s had a band since they started in 2009. I’ve known the band without a lead singer, with a lead singer, and now they’ve got three singers. I mean he has been inviting the PSEG crew out to see the band for years. That’s why when Brother AJ put out the call to come out and see the band @ Bunny’s Sports Bar in South Orange, I knew I had to be there. Then Brother AJ mentioned that I should do a feature on my blog, I thought AWESOME!!! Let’s do it!!!
(Yes, I’m more than a week late, this bloggers life is busy – that’s the point of this blog!)
Brother AJ is one of the coolest (and I mean coool) people you will ever meet. Just a genuine, down to earth person, cool dude, who has always been expressive about his love of music. Since I’ve known him, he’s been committed to representing himself authentically in everything he does, be it at work, hanging out, or just chilaxing while listening to music, especially his favorite artist… PRINCE. So, of course it’s no surprise that this brother is in a band. He’s the drummer actually, again, no surprise there. So… just imagine Brother AJ (drums), his son – another AJ (keys), their “Low End” Brother – Jay (bass), and the vocal stylings of three (that’s right count’em – the-Re!) lovely ladies – “the First” – Lady Che, “the Jazzy” – Heather, and “the Spicy” – Regine, all coming together to do their thing as the…
Flip Da Skrip Band (Whaaattttt….)
And that they did @ Bunny’s. Bunny’s is probably South Orange, NJs best kept secret. A dive bar (but it’s nice) in South Orange, NJ (go figure) hosted a cancer benefit for the husband of Ms. Mary Hinton. I don’t know how it came about (but I’m glad it did), but the Flip Da Skrip Band was asked to provide the music for the evening. They were situated in a roomy area in the back of the bar, but the beats could be heard as soon as you walked in the door. Although curtain call was at 9pm, I arrived around 10:30 where a crowd of about 40 people were gathered in the back supporting Da Skrip. Don’t get it twisted, although the folks in the back were the close supporters, everyone in the building was enjoying their sound. Because Da Skrip can play all kinds of music, there were tunes for all to enjoy. Hit after hit, song after song, Da Skrip played lots of songs we all know and love.
(Which I neglected to write down… hey… I didn’t want to spill my drinks)
But perhaps the climax of the evening came when Da Skrip played one of the greatest dance songs ever written, POISON, by Bell, Biv, DeVoe or BBD. The crowd went into a frenzy, where I was sure to get some video footage. Everyone was on their feet dancing and singing. A few people went into Old Skool dances and there was even a baby in building having a great time. (Like a real baby who outlasted her older brother who was buried under a towel. At least I think that was her brother – girls rule again) The musicians didn’t miss a beat while the ladies vibed off each other, and Da entire Skrip fed off the crowd’s energy to give an excellent performance we all clearly enjoyed.
All in all, the night was filled with good food, great people, and even better music.
Da Skrip has a way of bringing people together on one accord for a fun filled evening. I’ve seen the band at other venues, but I must say this was my favorite. The crowd really seemed to enjoy the evening in a way that felt like there was no pretense and everyone was there for the good time of it all. Genuinely to support Da Skrip and (believe me) Da Skrip used every bit of our energy. You could feel the shared enjoyment in the room.
Over the years my relationship with Brother AJ has gone from random person I know from work… to true blue friend til the end. Our friendship was actually solidified when he, his daughter, and I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane. (Oh yeah… it was a working plane) Or perhaps it’s our LOVE for the Purple One that has bonded us. Either way, I am super happy to see the growth of Da Skrip, both in numbers and in popularity. Da Skrip will keep the party rocking for as long as you like, ensuring the crowd is pumped the entire time. They are the go to band if you are looking for entertainment that can cover Pop, Jazz, Rock, Hip-Hop, and Dance grooves for all occasions.
Flip Da Skrip Band… you FLIPPED It!!! Until next time…
Follow Da Skrip on Facebook
(201) 207-2157
Ms. Rashia…,
U Have Simply Outdone URself On This 1!!! Of Course When We Spoke Just B4 U Decided 2 Do UR 1st Blog I Was 1 Of UR Most Ardent Supporters!!! I Mean We R Cut From The Same DNA Of Being Like A Car Headlight Shining Bright As We Live Our Lives Out Loud; But Not Just Shining Brightly We RDoing It On “HIGH BEAM” 4 All The World 2 C!!! KABOOM!!!
I’ve NJoyed UR Summer Journey & I Was Waiting 4 The Day When Our Paths Would Cross & I Would Grace 1 Of UR Entries!!! The Fact U Did It W/Me & The Whole Flip Da Skrip Band At Bunny’s Sports Bar South Orange 4 The LCA Fundraising Event Was Simply Icing On The Cake!!!
WE LOVE YA & SAY KEEP IT GOING!!! I Love The Comments UR Peeps Drop As Like Me We Can’t Wait 4 UR Next Adventure!!! U’ve Been Doing It Up Pretty Daggone Big Lady, So We Xpect Nothing Less Than Spectacular!!!
Thanxxx 4 UR Kind Wordz Regarding The Flippas & U Have A Lifetyme Standing Invite Now!!! ROFLMAO!!! HOLLA BLACK!!! Flip Flip 4 Life!!! The Bro J!!!
It’s the best thing in the world when you meet supa cool peeps, and that’s what I’ve found in you Brother AJ! This blog has been an extra AWESOME journey and experience for me. It’s my platform to literally put my life on stage. You know… the “HIGH BEAM” I’m glad we were able to get together on this one and feature Da Skrip. You guys were great! Thanks for the lifetime invite. Just let me know where you guys are playing… and I’m there! Thanks for the support Brother AJ!
Wow, so many friends – AJ (himself) Taa, Andi and Lisa – I wonder where Ro was. Thanks for the share Shia. Love seeing my old friends.
I did it for you Pete…
Looks like a great time for all. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Da Skrip perform some time ago and they sound even better now. Maybe we can book them for a surprise party.
We really did have a good time there. It was cool seeing so many people from PSEG. But the band… Da Skrip… they were AWESOME!!! I added the contact info to the page. Holla!!!